
Management of Injury Claims

Management of Injury Claims

The longer an injured worker stays off the job, the less likely they will be able to return to work at full capacity.
The benefits of effective claims management include faster recovery time for injured workers, reduced downtime, reduced claims costs and less negative impact on a company’s bottom line.

Employers need to emphasize the importance of reporting all injuries, no matter how minor the injured worker feels the injury may be. In do so, the employer is informed about the injury and they can then make the determination as to how to move forward. 

Managing claims is as important as managing any other aspect of an organization. Contact us to discuss how we can assist you with document reviews, the appeal process, communication with the worker and the Workers Compensation Board, or eliminate barriers to return to work.

Return to Work Programs

Work is the single biggest contributing factor to injury recovery. It gives people a sense of self-worth and provides income they rely on to support their families.
When an injury occurs, the goal for both the company and the worker, is to get things back to the way they were before the injury. Let us help create return to work plans to assist workers in progressively returning to their pre-injury duties and hours.

Transitional duties are any temporary changes to the worker’s job tasks that align with their functional abilities, or tasks that a worker is able to safely perform. Our team can help identify suitable modified duties within your organization.
If the worker is unable to immediately return to their original job, providing transitional duties will help them recover, contribute to valuable work and reduce or eliminate the claims costs associated with lost time from work.
Transitional duties must be meaningful, productive and within the injured worker’s skills and abilities.

While we realize that it may not be possible for some workplaces to offer transitional duties due to the size and job functions involved, we welcome the opportunity to help workplaces and workers find solutions.

For Any Enquiries Please Email Us!